There are many online materials dedicated to bioinformatics education including
courses, tutorials, documents, etc. You are most encouraged to get access
to these self-educational web sites during the course and for your further
Scientific Stories
Molecule of the Month (Biology)
- A web site which presents short accounts on selected
molecules from the Protein Data Bank. It was created in Jan 2000 and is
being maintained by David S. Goodsell at Scripps.
Protein Spotlight
- A web site which tells short stories on protein molecules as well as the
the scientists behind these interesting stories. It was started in September 2000
by Vivienne B. Gerritsen at Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics.
Molecule of the Month (Chemistry)
- An online chemistry educational resource developed and maintained by Paul May
and his colleagues in the UK since 1996.
General Biology
Amino Acid Propeties
- A website of amino acid classification with nice pictures maintained by Rob Russel.
- TimeTree
- A public resource for knowledge on the timescale and evolutionary history of life.
- Evolution 101
- An online course to understand evolution.
- ViralZone
- A knowledge resource to understand viral diversity at SIB.
- Aho's Amazing Atlas of Antibody Anatomy.
Online Bioinformatics Courses
- EBI online training courses.
- Global Organisation for Bioinformatics Learning, Education & Training.
- An online course for Sequence Analysis with Distributed Resources,
Bielefeld University, Germany.
- A platform for learning bioinformatics and programming through problem
Videos and Audios
NCBI Video Vault
- The web portal of NCBI Videos, including primarily tutorials and instructional videos.
Crash Courses
- The video presentations (with Chinese caption) on general biology by Hank Green.
- This Week in Virology - a weekly netcast animated by professors Vincent Racaniello
and Dick Despommier from the Columbia University, USA.
Small things considered
- A scientific blog for the microbiology maintained by professor Elio Schaechter and
Roberto Kolter.
Free Journals
- PubMed Central - The
U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) free digital archive of biomedical
and life sciences journals.
- Europe PMC - A comprehensive
life sciences literature source of 42.9 million publications,
preprints and other documents with links to supporting data, reviews, protocols,
- BioMed Central - The web
site of more than 180 open access biomedical journals freely available,
started by a UK publisher in London since 2001.
- PLOS - The web site of several significant
open access biological and medical journals freely available, stared by
the Public Library of Science, a non-profit organization composed of many
famous scientists.
- The first website in the world to provide mass & public access to research
papers. It was created by Alexandra Elbakyan, a young Kazakhstan information
scientist and listed by Nature as one of the
Top 10
people who mattered in 2016.
- PubMed tutorial at NLM.
- Example-Driven Web-Based BLAST Tutorial at NCBI.
- MyNCBI tutorial.
- An online course for principles of protein structure, comparative protein
modeling and visualization maintained by Nicolas Guex and Manuel C. Peitsch
at Glaxo Wellcome.
Swiss-Pdb Viewer
- User guide and tutorials of Swiss-Pdb Viewer.
- Workshop examples for Phyre2.
Needleman-Wunsch algorithm
- A clear description of the global sequence alignment algorithm by
Vladimir Likic
[Local PDF]
BLAST algorithm
- A detailed description of the BLAST sequence similarity database search algorithm
by Mike Johnson.
- Description for the steps of BLAST search by David Mount.
Websites in Chinese
NSII of China
- National Species Information Infrastructure developed and maintained by Chinese Institutions.
Chinese Virtual Herbarium
- Chinese Virtual Herbarium developed and maintained by Chinese Institutions.
iPlant of China
- Plant taxonomy and identification platform developed and maintained by Institute of Botany,
Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Scientific Blogs
4 February 2025
J Luo,
PKU, Beijing, China